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Exterior protection for a construction site: Ajax success story

Protección exterior para un sitio de construcción: caso de éxito de Ajax

International. Ajax Systems successfully faced the challenge of providing a self-contained solution with easy and flexible installation, which covers the protection needs of a construction site.

According to the company, construction sites face numerous challenges when it comes to protecting their facilities from intrusion and theft. This construction site is located in the heart of Dresden and was at risk of intrusion and criminal activity due to its easy accessibility.

The construction site of Gamma Immobilien Dresden stores valuable equipment, machinery and materials, all of which are attractive targets for thieves. Protecting these assets is critical to avoid significant financial losses and construction delays. However, a large perimeter usually has many blind spots. That's why protecting such an object is always a challenge.

Construction site protection system with a 360-degree viewing angle against intrusions and theft. The Ajax solution was chosen for its wide coverage (up to 1,700 m) offered by Baseline products. Wireless devices can be installed in large-scale sites, ensuring reliable protection across the entire perimeter.

- Publicidad -

The Jeweller Hub 2 (4G) control panel supports photo verification and serves as a core component of the security system. Thanks to the Wings communication protocol, ARC operators and users see the first snapshot of the incident site in just 9 seconds after the alarm. The hub uses two independent SIM cards (2G, 3G or LTE) from different providers for reliable communication in any situation.

Buildings constructed of concrete and iron can hinder radio waves, which can affect the operation of a wireless security system. To prevent this, MS Alarmanlagen Dresden used the ReX 2 Jeweller radio signal repeaters, which also support photoverification. All events are streamed instantly, even despite obstacles. Users and the alarm receiving center receive alarms in just 10 seconds.

The entire perimeter of the construction site is monitored by the DualCurtain Outdoor Jeweller detectors. Two independent optical systems with narrow viewing angles and flexible configuration allow the detection zone to be precisely adjusted, excluding possible sources of false alarms.

The exclusive ELSA (Extended Live Signal Analysis) software reacts to intruders, filtering out natural interference. This is especially important on a construction site to avoid false alarms caused, for example, by a shrub swaying in the wind. In addition, the DualCurtain Outdoor Jeweller recognizes attempts to block the detector's view by painting on it, covering it, placing an obstacle in front of the lens, or in any other way.

MotionCam Outdoor Jeweller detectors provide an extra level of protection. These devices continuously monitor the interior area of the site, recognize the intrusion from the first steps into the territory and confirm it with an animated series of photos in just 9 seconds. Visual verification allows you to instantly assess the situation and avoid the concerns of users and security companies about unnecessary patrol car dispatches.

Why was Ajax chosen?
Ajax detectors have a long battery life, ensuring long periods of reliable operation without frequent replacement. This feature results in cost savings for both customers and installation companies, as it reduces maintenance and service costs.

- Publicidad -

The Ajax wireless security system is an ideal solution for customers who are unable to install wired systems in their premises. Its distinguishing feature is a long communication range, which can be increased with the help of repeaters. You can easily install the system and avoid any obstacles that may arise in the process, mitigating the logistical challenges often associated with large installations.

By combining software algorithms with a photo verification feature, the security system not only saves money by reducing false alarms, but also ensures that no potential intruder goes unnoticed.

Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Author: Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Editor - Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicador Social Periodista egresado de la Universidad de Antioquia, con más de 14 años de experiencia en medios periodísticos y proyectos de comunicación digital. [email protected]

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