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Hanwha Vision Mexico opens Innovation and Technology Experience Center

Hanwha Vision México abrió centro de experiencia en innovación y tecnología

Mexico. Hanwha Vision Mexico inaugurated the first Hanwha Innovation and Technology Experience (HITE) in Latin America in Mexico City with activities held on June 19 and 20.

The Center will highlight the company's most innovative products and solutions for security and surveillance applications, all presented through interactive demonstrations, videos, training sessions, certification classes and presentations.

"HITE presents a cross-section of our resources and expertise, from developing our own SoC to using innovative technologies such as AI and data analytics," said C.H. Ja, Chief Global Sales & Marketing Officer of Hanwha Vision. "As visitors walk through the space, they can easily get a clear picture of how we're helping customers and partners solve today's challenges and also prepare for the future.

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The products and solutions showcased at HITE were chosen to showcase the breadth of Hanwha Vision's capabilities and diverse product lines. The space has more than 35 state-of-the-art devices in video capture, processing and recording, 1 dedicated data center, 1 video wall for recreation of a monitoring center, remote connection to more than 10 demo rooms in Latin America and has capacity for more than 40 people.

"The HITE will be a project in continuous progress, with continuous updates and new additions that reflect the ever-changing nature of security," said Bruno Byun, president of Hanwha Vision Mexico. "This flexibility allows us to present customized demos in various vertical markets as industry trends and our customers' needs evolve."

The HITE features a classroom-style training room, accommodating approximately 28 people that can be used for hands-on product training, certification courses, partner education, and more, with full online capabilities to support remote participants.

Hanwha Vision held the official HITE opening ceremony over two days attended by more than 100 customers, partners, company executives and team members.

Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Author: Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Editor - Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicador Social Periodista egresado de la Universidad de Antioquia, con más de 14 años de experiencia en medios periodísticos y proyectos de comunicación digital. [email protected]

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