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Private security actors gathered in Medellín

Actores de la seguridad privada se congregan en Medellín

Colombia. Ventas de Seguridad was present at the opening day of the VII International Security Congress, held in the city of Medellín by the Confederación Nacional del Gremio de la Seguridad Privada de Colombia (Confevip).

The new business of technology in security, smart cities and global challenges of private security have been the topics analysed by the invited experts and the public attending the event, held from 20 to 21 June.

According to Miguel Ángel Díaz, president of Confevip, this meeting is of the greatest importance if one takes into account that "private security in Colombia is an economic and social engine of advanced technology that, in collaboration with the State, would better protect citizens. This sector represents 1.6% of GDP, generates about 10.5 trillion pesos per year (about US $2,400 million) and has about 400,000 direct workers, almost three times the personnel of the Colombian National Police."

For his part, Hugo Acero, a renowned expert in security in Colombia, said that "in Bogotá alone, 120,000 private guards work, 40,000 per shift, while in the Police there are no more than 4,000 per shift, that is, there are 10 times more private guards than police officers providing security to citizens. There are 120 thousand private guards who, in an organized and coordinated manner with the District Administration and the Police, can contribute to improving the security of citizens."

- Publicidad -

The event, which has established itself as one of the most important references in the country for the private security sector, has brought together this year about 500 businessmen and experts in the area, who have come to Colombia from different parts of the world.

Confevip also convened several Colombian mayors, as well as government officials, to discuss citizen security and its current challenges.

In this sense, the VII International Security Congress is a space where it has also sought to strengthen ties between the public and private sectors.

International participation
The congress was attended by experts from Mexico, Chile, Ecuador, the United States, among other countries. These specialists discussed the global challenges and threats in terms of security, the crucial role of private security in citizen protection and the development of smart and safe cities.

Additionally, a space for discussion was adapted by the Superintendence of Surveillance and Private Security, in which topics such as 5G technology and its impact on security have been addressed.

In addition, participants have had opportunities to network, allowing them to exchange experiences and establish strategic collaborations.

Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Author: Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Editor - Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicador Social Periodista egresado de la Universidad de Antioquia, con más de 14 años de experiencia en medios periodísticos y proyectos de comunicación digital. [email protected]

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