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The global "HickTech Star" competition begins

Inicia el concurso global “HickTech Star”

International. In order to encourage knowledge sharing, improve the quality of installations, promote the use of safety products and recognize the most outstanding installers, the global "HickTech Star" competition Hikvision launched.

Thanks to the competition, 100 installers from all over the world will win a trip to China to:

  • Visit Hikvision headquarters.
  • Meet Hikvision's research and development team.
  • Participate in the award ceremony.
  • Get to know the Hikvision factory.
  • Cultural Tour in Hangzhou.

"These types of contests are very important for Hikvision, as we are interested in the best installers sharing their knowledge and experience with security products, which is an excellent way to promote education and excellence in the field," says Fran Sánchez, Marcom Director at Hikvision Mexico. "We are looking for winners to experience our smart factory, interact with our research and development team, and receive accredited certifications. In addition to technology, the HikTech Star program is a gateway to a vibrant network of like-minded enthusiasts and professionals that will allow them to interact, share experiences and expand their professional network through meetings and events."

"When you become a HikTech star, you are more than an ambassador, you are a fundamental part of our community, helping us connect and grow within the industry," says the executive, who mentions that in this global contest, five people from Mexico will represent the brand and it is open to any legal resident of Mexico. over 18 years of age.

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Here are the steps to participate: Follow the official accounts of Hikvision Mexico on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok (@hikvisionmx).

  1. Record a creative video demonstrating technological skills or knowledge about Hikvision products. Videos can be from the following categories: unboxing, installation, test, demo, tutorial, etc.
  2. 2. Upload the video to TikTok, tag @hikvisionmx and use the hashtag #HikTechStar.

Way of participating and bases
The prize includes a round trip, accommodation and food expenses for the entire trip for one person.

Videos will be received from June 3 to August 15, 2024. Videos and views outside of this period will not be considered. Views will be counted within this time slot. The trip will take place during the month of October on the dates established by the company.

How to participate
The contest is open to any legal resident of Mexico, over 18 years of age. The trip is personal and the winners must have the necessary documents to travel outside the country. The prize is non-transferable and travel must be made in the
dates indicated by Hikvision.

Selection criteria
Videos will be judged based on creativity, originality, quality of presentation, depth of knowledge demonstrated and compliance with contest instructions. A panel of Hikvision judges will select the winners. The 5 winners from Mexico will be chosen as follows:

1 winner: HPP+Video courses
The participant must upload the video according to the instructions with the difference that the topic of the video will be how to configure a solution for SMEs with HPP, in addition to participating in the 6 virtual courses on Hik-Partner that will be given during June (12, 19 and 26) and July (3, 10 and 17).

The dates, times, topics and registration for the courses can be found in the HPP events section.

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In each course we will give 5 surprise gifts among the attendees of these 6 courses, during the question and answer dynamics. The winning video will be selected by Hikvision's panel of judges according to the above criteria.

3 winners for best videos
The participant will have to follow the above instructions and our appraisal committee will select the winner of these three passes according to the aforementioned criteria.

1 winner for most views
The participant must follow the instructions of the call and the winner will be the creator of the video with the most views.

Special prizes
Hikvision Mexico 15 e-wallets worth $2,000 MXN to the 15 best videos that do not win the trip with gratitude for their participation and effort.

Notification of winners
The winners will be mentioned through a post on our networks between August 20 and 31. Each winner will also be notified via direct message on TikTok and must respond within 5 business days to claim their prize. If a winner does not respond within the stipulated time, a new winner will be chosen.

Right to use material
By participating, contestants grant Hikvision the non-exclusive right to use the videos featured in their marketing and promotional campaigns without additional compensation. Check here the rules applicable to the content that will be entered into the contest.

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Acceptance of bases
Participation in the contest constitutes acceptance of these rules. Hikvision reserves the right to modify or cancel the contest if it deems it necessary.

More details of the rules on the official Hikvision website.

Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Author: Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Editor - Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicador Social Periodista egresado de la Universidad de Antioquia, con más de 14 años de experiencia en medios periodísticos y proyectos de comunicación digital. [email protected]

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