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The second edition of the Hikvision Mexico Truck Show announced

Anuncian la segunda edición del Truck Show Hikvision México

Mexico. Hikvision began the approach of the second edition of the event, which is a dynamic tour designed to bring technological and business solutions to customers, business partners and Hikvision Stores in the Mexican Republic.

Fran Sánchez, Marcom Director at Hikvision Mexico, explains that this year they will carry out a route with greater coverage, so this time they will visit 40 cities in total.

"We are very excited to bring the second edition of the Truck Show to new cities and companies. Our goal is to facilitate access to innovative solutions that can transform businesses and prepare them for the digital future. On board our truck, participants will be able to discover a wide range of customized solutions to improve efficiency, increase productivity and quality and integration into security systems, and promote digital transformation in their organizations with different live demos plus the strengthening of commercial ties with our main distributor and Hikvision Stores around the country. because we recognize that the best dissemination of any brand is through satisfied customers."

Details of the second edition

  • Interactive Exhibitions: Displays of the latest technologies and services in areas such as artificial intelligence, automation, such as: My Connected Home (video intercom, smoke sensors, wi-fi cameras), My Alarm Center (different alarm panels and wireless detectors); My Safe Store (camera with two-way audio, facial terminal); My connected field (solar cameras); My Safe Office (face terminals, dual-lens cameras, hybrid video intercom kit), and Security for Special Uses (panoramic cameras, radars, multi-sensor camera).
  • Educational and practical sessions taught by experts Talks and Workshops: by Hikvision.
  • Personalized consultancies: Opportunity to obtain specific advice for the needs of each company.
  • Networking: Spaces to establish contacts and share experiences with other professionals in the sector.
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"We seek to generate closeness with the different channels by identifying, listening and attending to their needs in real time. For this reason, our commitment is to always bring our wide catalog of options to all corners of Mexico, increasingly covering the solutions needed by the different regions of the country," says the executive.

Finally, he comments that the tour started on June 25 in La Paz, traveling from North to South of the country until November. For more details, follow the
Hikvision Mexico's official accounts on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok for more details on dates and places (@hikvisionmx).

Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Author: Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Editor - Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicador Social Periodista egresado de la Universidad de Antioquia, con más de 14 años de experiencia en medios periodísticos y proyectos de comunicación digital. [email protected]

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