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These are the new security trends in the Cloud, according to LenelS2

Estas son las últimas tendencias de seguridad en la nube, según LenelS2

International. According to experts at LenelS2, keeping up with Cloud security trends allows organizations to improve their security posture as their Cloud strategy continues to develop.

"As we move into 2024, the cloud security landscape is poised for transformative changes. Let's learn a little more about the industry trends that LenelS2 thought leaders are keeping an eye on this year," the company noted.

The Convergence of OT and IT in Cybersecurity
"I believe that the convergence of operational technology (OT) and information technology (IT) will be a key trend in cybersecurity throughout 2024. This integration ensures a comprehensive security posture across on-premises systems and cloud platforms. At LenelS2, we are ready to support our customers during this transition with our cloud-based Elements solution, as well as OnGuard Cloud, an enterprise cloud solution that delivers all the features and functionality of our OnGuard platform, one of the broadest in the industry. used, deeply integrated and feature-rich access control systems," said Jai Panjabi, Product Manager of LenelS2

He said these solutions address the most critical cybersecurity challenges posed by on-premises systems, including damage to physical infrastructure and the slow process of manual updates. For those still using on-premises configurations, our cybersecurity service is designed to strengthen the security of IT and OT frameworks.

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Simplified Navigation Demand
Jas Dolby, director of cloud business development at LenelS2, said an increasing proportion of LenelS2 customers express a clear preference for cloud solutions that allow them to manage all their physical locations through an interface that can be accessed from anywhere. Customers are increasingly attracted to cloud-based access control systems for their ability to provide real-time updates and centralized control over security protocols, eliminating the need for physical presence or manual intervention across multiple sites. This trend highlights the importance of easy-to-use, cloud-based physical access control solutions that streamline management and improve security monitoring.

The rise of wallet-based credentials
As we move through 2024, wallet-based mobile credentials are becoming more prevalent. One of the benefits of wallet-based credentials is their integration with Business Intelligence (BI) systems to centralize access data and eliminate reliance on in-app reporting.

This shift towards wallet-based credentials means a broader move towards more seamless, integrated security solutions that prioritize user convenience and operational efficiency.

Cybersecurity is getting tougher across industries
Brian Matthews, Vice President of Cloud Sales at LenelS2, says that cloud adoption allows his organization to deploy the most innovative security solutions, including AI-powered capabilities, to defend against the evolving threat landscape.

"During your transition to the cloud, take the time to reevaluate your current security strategies and systems and compare them to all available options. A cloud migration is an excellent opportunity to upgrade to innovative technologies that can effectively solve operational problems, improve the user experience, and improve your security posture. With a cloud-based solution, users can leverage a variety of solutions they are already subscribed to to enhance their overall security plan. Examples of this include receiving push notifications or triggering an action in Microsoft Teams and creating reports and dashboards within PowerBI," explains the executive.

The cloud is eclipsing on-premises solutions in terms of security
Although cloud security threats are on the rise, the cloud still stands far ahead of on-premises access control solutions in terms of security. The cloud provides a centralized management center that you can access from anywhere, at any time. This means that access permissions can be updated in real-time, ensuring that only authorized users can access sensitive assets.

This is according to Jas Dolby, Director of Cloud Business Development at LenelS2, who also maintains that "cloud access control systems also allow greater scalability. Its ability to grow with the organization means it won't have to conduct extensive hardware reviews to adapt to evolving security threats."

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Improved operational insights thanks to artificial intelligence
Jai Panjabi believes that the synergy between cloud computing and artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing access control systems, pushing boundaries beyond traditional security measures. Rather than simply regulating access to physical locations and devices, AI makes it possible to analyze access control data and extract insights that can inform strategic decision-making across your operations.

For example, AI can help identify patterns and anomalies in access control, making it easier to detect security breaches and unauthorized physical access attempts faster than before.

Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Author: Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Editor - Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicador Social Periodista egresado de la Universidad de Antioquia, con más de 14 años de experiencia en medios periodísticos y proyectos de comunicación digital. [email protected]

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