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Axis includes zipstream and other advanced technologies in its cameras

Latin America. Axis Communications launched its AXIS M1124 and M1125 entry cameras, the first in its most accessible line that feature advanced features such as WDR with Forensic Capture (to visualize details even against the light) and Zipstream technology to reduce the need for storage and bandwidth by up to 50%. The launches, available in HDTV and Full HD, are ideal for internal surveillance in banks, stores, offices and even homes.

The WDR function with Forensic Capture present in these cameras makes an instant compensation of the light variation. Very light or shadowy areas are balanced to show everything that happens in the scene, regardless of adverse lighting conditions. In this way, it is possible to clearly identify people, even those who are against the light, both day and night. The images generated are optimal for forensic analysis, that is, to be used as judicial evidence.

Zipstream technology, also present in both, reduces bandwidth and storage requirements by up to 50% or more, and is fully compatible with the H.264 compression standard. It halves bandwidth and is ideal for countries facing challenges in terms of network availability.

The cameras can store recordings themselves through SD memories that can be up to 64GB. This space allows you to record images on HDTV for approximately five days, without the need to save the images on any other device. Thanks to the Power over Ethernet (PoE) function, a single network cable serves to transmit the images and, at the same time, provide power to the camera, simplifying the installation.

- Publicidad -

"The M1124 and M1125 are ideal for anyone who wants to have their first contact with Axis technology and, at the same time, be sure that they are acquiring a solution capable of satisfying the current demands in the area of IP video monitoring, with a high level of detail in the images," says Sergio Fukushima, technical manager of Axis.

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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