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Axis celebrates 40 years of business life

Axis cumple 40 años de vida empresarial

International. Founded in 1984, Axis Communications is celebrating its 40th anniversary. Over the past four decades, Axis has introduced innovations such as the world's first networked camera in 1996, which gave birth to an industry and triggered the shift from analog to IP-based video surveillance.

Since then, Axis has released many other "world firsts," including the first network video system-on-chip (Axis Real Time Picture Encoder, ARTPEC); the first video analysis on a camera (AXIS 2120); Axis Lightfinder light optimization technology and Axis Zipstream video compression technology; as well as the AXIS Camera Application Platform (ACAP) open application development platform. With a global presence in more than 50 countries, Axis continues to evolve, expanding its portfolio of solutions and reaching new sectors and markets, maintaining itself as a global leader in video surveillance.

"At Axis, we are dedicated to maintaining a long-term vision and innovating every day with technologies that contribute to a smarter, safer world. On the occasion of our 40th anniversary, and critical to our continued success, we recognize a unique set of benefits we offer our customers and partners, which help us realize our vision," said Fredrik Nilsson, Vice President Americas at Axis Communications. "This set of advantages, combined with each other, is known as The Axis Advantage."

"The Axis Advantage"

  • A partner ecosystem based on value and long-term relationships. Axis has more than 24,000 active partners worldwide, including distributors, system integrators, resellers, technology partners, and architecture and engineering consultants, whose collaboration contributes to the continuous innovation and improvement of Axis products, solutions, and services.
  • Places to see, feel, hear and touch the latest technologies. Axis Experience Centers (AECs) offer personalized sessions to partners and hands-on experience with Axis solutions. With 32 Experience Centers around the world – 16 in the Americas – plus a roving Axis Experience Vehicle, these centers welcome tens of thousands of visitors each year. AECs are open to all partners and customers, and Axis plans to reach more of them by expanding its network.
  • The main source of education, training and certifications. Axis Communications Academy is recognized as the industry's leading training program, and its Axis Certified Professional (ACP) credential is a highly valued certification. With dozens of dedicated instructors, an ever-evolving curriculum, and a variety of learning formats (face-to-face, virtual, and e-learning), Axis is proud to have trained nearly 33,500 students worldwide in 2023 alone. Axis' goal is to keep these professionals and the Academy's curriculum at the forefront.
  • The widest range of network video and audio analytics on the market. In addition to its own comprehensive analytics offering, Axis has more than 250 global application development partners specializing in video analytics. Through its open application platform and AXIS Object Analytics suite of AI-based analytics, Axis continues to advance the development of powerful edge analytics, providing customers with actionable insights that improve security and business.
  • Open platforms that welcome innovation. One of the pillars in Axis' philosophy is to offer open technology solutions that foster collaboration and innovation. In this way, Axis introduced the most popular API, VAPIX, which is used by thousands of developers. It also launched the fourth generation of the AXIS Camera Application Platform (ACAP) to increase developer opportunities to advance AI-based analytics and the edge. Additionally, in early 2024, Axis launched Axis Cloud Connect, the industry's first open, cyber, channel-ready cloud platform, enabling Axis and its partners to build cloud-based solutions and services.
  • Technical support with a human touch. Axis has about 150 full-time in-house support specialists around the world, nearly half of them in the Americas. These dedicated and highly qualified specialists offer personalized attention to each client, staying by their side until the problem is resolved. With an average response time that is typically less than a minute, customers can rest assured that their needs will always be addressed in a timely manner.
Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Author: Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Editor - Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicador Social Periodista egresado de la Universidad de Antioquia, con más de 14 años de experiencia en medios periodísticos y proyectos de comunicación digital. [email protected]

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