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Key Business Process Solutions inaugurates its new Showroom

Mexico. Key Business Process Solutions, wholesale distributor of telecommunications equipment, networks, video surveillance and professional software solutions, presented its new fully interconnected exhibition space to new integrator prospects.  

The implementation of this space is fundamental, since we have the interaction of the solutions, making our staff experts in the solutions we handle, and we bring users closer to a strengthening of Key BPS solutions.

Among the novelties that the brand presented within its Showroom undoubtedly highlight the new 6MP lens cameras, the new MX Managment Center software that is a platform that works on Linux, Windows and Mac OS, as well as unveiled the automation systems of which Mobotix incorporates the Input Box with 6 inputs and the Output Box with 6 outputs, thermal cameras with their S15 and M15 models, and the I25 and C25 indoor cameras.

"As a value-added wholesaler at Key Business Process Solutions we extend our service with an in-house Showroom equipped with demo products from the brands we market," said Jorg Altenheimer, Managing Director of Key BPS.  "The Purpose of the Showroom is to train our distribution channel, present and launch products that integrate Key BPS solutions, as well as to bring new integrators closer to know the solutions we offer by having interaction with the products face to face and in real time," he said.

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Nowadays it is much more complicated to explain in just words how products work and even why they have a competitive advantage in the market, so the expectation of this Showroom will be that users can observe and understand the solutions we offer, and at the same time the training of the distribution channel.


Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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