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Latin America, attractive territory for Data Centers

Data Centers

Latin America. According to an IDC study, investment in data center infrastructure in Latin America is expected to reach $7 billion by 2025.

Data centers, according to Schneider Electric , have become the perfect solution for storage, regardless of their weight or the amount of data produced by companies.

According to an IDC report, the Latin American region will experience an increase in demand for data centers in the coming years due to increasing adoption of cloud technologies and digitization of businesses. Therefore, investment in data center infrastructure in Latin America is expected to reach 7 billion dollars by 2025.

For Schneider Electric, in Colombia there is a growing interest in the construction of data centers "due to its strategic location and the availability of renewable energy and fiber optic connections." Although it does not expose figures or the exact number of data centers in Colombia, it assures that this number is constantly evolving and depends on various factors such as investment and demand for information technology services.

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The increase in colocation and information services will continue to increase in the future due to the increasing demand for cloud services and the need for data storage and processing.

Marcio Kenji, Cloud & Service Provider segment manager for SAM at Schneider Electric, said, "As companies increase flexibility while navigating unorthodox working conditions and unpredictable supply chains, the need arises to remain at the forefront of the business, as well as accelerate their ability to deliver goods and services with real-time speed and accuracy."

At this point, the Data Centers of the future become important, because as Schneider Electric assures "thanks to sustainable and energy-efficient designs and models, they allow greater flexibility and quickly turn and scale towards processes, programs, tools and resources that facilitate minimal exposure to hazards and associated risks".

Energy efficiency, the key to the sustainability of data centers
According to a study by the Spanish Institute of Strategic Studies, data centers consume approximately 40% of it, which is destined to their cooling systems to maintain the temperature of controlled data centers; Therefore, this high energy consumption means that data centers account for up to 5% of greenhouse gas emissions.

Users will seek out data center operators to implement more diverse approaches to enabling their cloud and edge migrations, look for data centers to help them build stronger partner ecosystems, and expect more support in their efforts to onboard as-a-service offerings for their customers.

To accommodate these growing market demands, data center owners will need to increase performance in these four important areas: Sustainability, Efficiency, Flexibility and Resilience.

Finally, Schneider Electric expects the data centers of the future to integrate and adapt to the complete sustainability data of companies' upstream and downstream supply chains. "Beyond simply tracking company emissions, the notion of Scope 3 emissions (or supply chain-based emissions) will need to be monitored, captured, analyzed, compared and published."

Iris Montoya Ricaurte
Author: Iris Montoya Ricaurte
Periodista con amplia experiencia en corrección de estilo y generación de contenidos de valor para el sector especializado - [email protected]

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